HomeWorld10 Countries With the Most Stressed Workers in Africa

10 Countries With the Most Stressed Workers in Africa

Africa is buzzing with lively economies, all thanks to the hard graft of its people. The continent has even been dubbed the world’s future workplace due to its ballooning young population. However, beneath the surface of economic growth lies a huge challenge, stress in the workforce.

As organizational leaders strive to steer through the uncertain economic realities, employees’ stress levels are adversely affecting productivity and performance.

According to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace 2023 Report, economic growth is slowing, and if we fail to boost global GDP, tackling every other problem becomes much more challenging.

So, what can leaders do today to potentially save the economy? The report suggests a change in the way your people are managed.

The report estimates that low engagement costs the global economy $8.8 trillion. That’s 9% of global GDP — enough to make the difference between success and failure for humanity.

Poor management leads to lost customers and lost profits, but it also leads to miserable lives. Gallup’s research into well-being at work finds that having a job you hate is worse than being unemployed.

Chad leads Africa with the highest percentage of stressed workers at 58%.

Below are the 10 countries with the most stressed workers in Africa:



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