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2023 Presidential election: What God wants Peter Obi to do – Prophet Daniel


February 25, 2023 is the date slated in Nigeria for the 2023 presidential election as well as that of the Federal legislatives. It is anticipated that more people will participate in the elections and it is not clear who, among the big three candidates, would clench the juiciest position in the country. In this interview with a fast rising seer from Nnewi, Prophet Okechukwu Daniel Ezeudoka, O’star Eze shares some past prophecies by this prophet on known political figures both within Nigeria and outside that came to pass and, ultimately, what God revealed to him specifically about Peter Obi.

Can you let us into your background?

I am Prophet Daniel Ezeudoka from Edoji, Uruagu village, Nnewi. I am managing myself as a normal Nigerian citizen. By the grace of God, I was born to be a prophet. But I am not in a haste for anything. I am a patient person and have been gently waiting for God to perfect his purpose for me. I do not like rushing into anything that God has not personally instructed me to do concerning my calling. I love to wait for God’s time before embarking on anything. But I believe that by the grace of God, as it stands now, where I am now is how God wants it. I know that God is trying to teach me some things before the ministry commences. 

Before now you have been seeing some things about the political realities of Nigeria and the world, can you share some of the prophesies that God gave you in the past that came to pass?

By the grace of God, all the revelations God has given me in the past both about individuals and about countries have come to pass. But incidentally, it is not all of them that were recorded. But any time I am moved, motivated or disturbed in the spirit, I would publish some of the prophesies. So, in the past, I know I prophesied about the US election and the victory of Donald Trump and as God may have it, it came to pass. I did not know Donald Trump from Adam but I had been hearing about him. I did not even know that election was coming up then. But in my revelation, I saw myself in the United States of America and there was a big celebration. I was asking people what was going on and they told me that the US conducted presidential elections and that the candidate Obama was against won the election. So, when I awoke from the trance, I was asking people around if there was any election that was about to happen in the US and I was told that in 6 months time, there was going to be a presidential election in the US and I then prophesied that whosoever Obama was against would win. They told me that Hilary Clinton was the one Obama was supporting while Trump was the one Obama was against. I then maintained that God had told me that whomsoever Obama was against would win the election. I could remember that Clinton was winning at the polls at some point but just at the Nick of time, the tides changed in Trump’s favour and he won the election, confirming my prophesy.

Even when they said that Buhari had died, I was the first person that said that Buhari was not dead. In the spirit, God took me to the hospital and I saw Buhari looking almost dead. He was on oxygen and everywhere was heated up with shouts that Buhari was dead. Buhari then woke up from the hospital bed and started saying, “I am not dead, I reject it.” When I woke up from the trance, I was asking God for the meaning and he told me that Buhari was not dead. That he was almost dead but that he was going to heal him. So I announced it that Buhari was not dead. That God has said so and that I do not know about the people saying that Buhari was dead. And Buhari later came back after like 100 days or so away on health grounds. When he came back, some people did not still believe it was the real Buhari and there was claims he was cloned. But I maintained what God told me, that Buhari was still alive and was not dead.

God told me he was not going to die before the election that saw him into his second tenure and that he was not going to die after the election, but that there was going to be conflict. The Anambra State governorship election in 2019 also saw journalists come to interview me on the possible outcome. A lot of people were prophesying the outcome. I said because of that I was not just going to prophesy who would win but also who would come second and third because God had given me the privilege to watch the election in the spirit realm before  it held. I said I was only seeing hausa party and Igbo party contesting the election and that PDP was out of the plan. It is there on record that I said that I saw the grace that made Obiano the governor returning him back for second tenure. That he should not bother spending his money on campaigns. I said that if I had the privilege to speak to him face to face, I would have told him this. That he had to be wary of rigging. That the election will end up with APGA coming first, APC coming second and third PDP. That if it goes different from this, that means I did not see anything. I remember that I received a call from the press that Sunday when the vote counting was concluded and they told me that my prophesy had come true, to the glory of God. 

It was that period I gave George Muoghalu prophesy, in 2 September 2017. The prophesy was repeated in November 2017 and then the third time was in January, 2018. I spoke with him on phone and he told me to keep on praying about it but I told him it was done already. What was the prophesy; I told him that by revelation, I saw a great appointment given to him by the federal government. The evidence is here on my phone which God told me to keep so that the text correspondence I had with George Muoghalu containing the prophesy would be preserved. God told me not to use the phone again and keep it as evidence that would record the date, the time of the prophesy. George Muoghalu later got the prophesied huge appointment in 2019 as the Managing Director of National Inland Waterways Authority, NIWA. A year and 4 months after I gave him that prophesy, it came to pass in his life. He claimed all the prophesy and I told him to remember me in his paradise. I am not a beggar and I know that whether George my brother remembers me or not, I give God all the glory. At the appointed time, God will announce me. “I saw you in my dreams last night and an unexpected paper was given to you. I do not know the paper but God knows…” so read the text I sent him and God perfected it. 

In the same 2019, I also made some prophesies about the realization of Biafra. I told them that I was not seeing any signal yet. Because of security reasons, I will not go into details on that.

Let us talk about what God showed you about this 2023 presidential election?

 God told me that an Igbo man would contest presidency that would make waves. God told me to tell APC not to fail to give the presidential ticket to Ngige. I did not know how to meet Ngige to tell him. Had it been APC favoured Dr Chris Ngige with the presidential ticket, this APC will retain this power and will be happy at the end of the day. I passed the information on social media, the evidence is even in my phone. This favour you are seeing on the side of Peter Obi would have been what Ngige would have been enjoying. God transferred the favour to Peter Obi. As it stands now, the election is around the corner. I am calling on my big brother Peter Obi on what God wants him to do. I have seen the result. I was crying when this result was released. God now said I should not cry, that I should release this prophesy. That Peter Obi should work very hard and that the church should come together and work very hard to deliver Peter Obi because what I saw…but God said that it was not yet late. The first few states that were announced did not favour Peter Obi. When I was crying in the spirit, God told me to stop, that it was not yet over. That they still have many states to mention their result.

So as it stands, the game is not ordinary. God said I should release this prophesy and stop. That I will come back to make a concluding prophesy. God said that Heaven is highly interested on that seat but we must do our own part. 

In 2022, around August after so many things God had told me about Buhari, God told me that Buhari from his heart was not interested in the outcome of the election. In my trance, I saw Buhari seated, Peter Obi was seated beside him and Tinubu was seated too but Atiku was nowhere to be found in that meeting. I was there too, and what I saw Buhari do there showed that he was a sincere man and so many things that went wrong during his administration were not his fault. God was trying to show me that his heart is not the way we are seeing it. That is why God gave him second chance to live again. God showed me that Buhari’s heart is pure towards this election. What happened there showed that Buhari has conscience. Buhari called on Police in the spirit realm to arrest anyone that would interfere with a free and fair election. When the police came, he did not even care that the person the police was after was his party member. He was after doing the right. Buhari was eager in the spirit to see that the masses get the best president after him. My message to Nigerians is to please support our president. Our president has a good heart but people around him are the ones God is fingering that are fighting to see that the election does not favour Peter Obi. So, the church needs to come together with one mind and make sure that the best man wins. Let us know that God loves Buhari and nothing will happen to him. I am praying for Buhari that he will enjoy his old age more. Stand on that your heart. God has chosen me to be a prophet, not by my education or height. The same way God chose you to be our president not by your education. That is God for you. He does not want to know what the masses are saying. 

Why is it that it is only political issues that God shows you?

It is not only political issues that God shows me. A prophet is a prophet. God loves the country Nigeria so much and will not fail to continue revealing his mind concerning it to his prophets. That is the only thing that will connect me with the country; political prophesies. God has also shown me things about individuals too. For instance, nobody has ever died in my house without God showing me beforehand. The day the person that trained me; my 96 year old grandmother was going to die, God told me. Even in the church at Nnewi Anglican Diocese, a certain cannon favoured me, Okey by name, and I told him that he would be lifted above another pastor that did me wrong. And today, he is an Archdeacon, while the other pastor is still at the same level. I told him that if he honoured my prophesy, God will make him a bishop. When I was 19 years old, a certain person who was among the group that was harassing me while I was doing my evangelism died. I was on my way to Bible study that day and they called me to tell me that the young man was dead. I did not know what I was doing next. I just started singing “you sent your word and healed our disease…” and the dead young man came back to life. So, everything is by the grace of God. It is not by size or position but by the grace of God. So, may God bless this country. I appreciate God for the grace. 

So what is your concluding message to Peter Obi?

I need Peter Obi to look for me and let us join our graces together to fight against what is coming. I carry a special grace from God and I know that what I saw where the few states that were first called on the day of election did not favour Peter Obi. So, he needs to call me. I am not desperate. If he invites me, I will come. We need people that carry the favour of God. Even if it is a word I dropped for him when we meet face to face will make a lot of difference in his presidential project. All to the greater glory of God.


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