HomeInvestigationsAbductors of Ekiti Farmer Demand N30m Ransom

Abductors of Ekiti Farmer Demand N30m Ransom

The kidnappers of a farmer, Alhaji Jimoh Olodan, at Iyemero Ekiti in Ikole Local Government Area of Ekiti State, have demanded a sum of N30 million for the victim to regain his freedom.

Olodan was kidnapped at a farmstead named Elegure around 11pm, on Friday.

The abductors numbering 18, were said to have invaded the farmstead, which was three kilometres to Iyemero Ekiti and about 15 minutes’ drive to the community.

Shooting sporadically into the air to scare the residents, the bandits besieged Olodan’s home , dragged him out and whisked him away to an unknown destination .

A source in the town confirmed to journalists yesterday that the kidnappers contacted the Olodan’s family around 7.38pm on Saturday and made the demand.

He said: “The people, who kidnapped Alhaji Olodan have contacted the family asking for money that has caused serious problem for the victim’s relations.

“They were asking for a sum of N30million, which the family found to be too outrageous and they were not comfortable with such demand.

“The family and the entire town are very cautious of the safety of the man, because of his role in the community. He is a successful farmer and one of those people are looking up to.

“They are running around to be able to raise some money; so that the man can be freed. The negotiation is still ongoing with the abductors”.

When contacted, the Police Public Relations Officer, Ekiti Command, ASP Sunday Abutu, said the police were not aware of the latest development.

“We are not aware that they had contacted the family and asked for ransom. But I know that our men are combing the surrounding bushes in collaboration with local hunters and Amotekun corps,” Abutu said.


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