HomeOthersClassifiedAnambra Assembly Speaker Udeze Advocates Legislation To Improve Conditions Of Widows

Anambra Assembly Speaker Udeze Advocates Legislation To Improve Conditions Of Widows

The Speaker of Anambra State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Somtochukwu Udeze says their is need to develop resources and policies to empower widows and allow them to have unhindered coexistence.

Angel Network News (ANN) reports that
In his goodwill message to widows on behalf of the State Legislature, made available by the Chief Press Secretary to the Speaker, Mr. Emma Madu, Rt. Hon. Udeze called on Legislative Institutions in the country to enact laws that will guarantee full protection, well-being and rights of widows.

The Speaker who commended the United Nations for dedicating a day to widows which enhances awareness of their challenges, thanked Governor Chukwuma Soludo and the wife,Nonye for ensuring that issues concerning women especially widows are given priority attention towards provision of a better life for them.

He maintained that the law enacted by the State Legislature to prohibit widowhood malpractices is still in force, urging traditional rulers in the State to abrogate all obnoxious and harmful laws against widows in their various communities.

Rt. Hon. Udeze while calling on affluent citizens to contribute towards the upliftment of the condition of widows in their midsts,charged widows to comport themselves at all times and look up to God for their protection and well-being.


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