HomePoliticsAnambra Assembly: Trafficking In Persons, Prohabition, Enforcement And Administration Bill Passes Second...

Anambra Assembly: Trafficking In Persons, Prohabition, Enforcement And Administration Bill Passes Second Reading

A Bill for a Law to prohibit trafficking in persons, enforce and administer measures against trafficking and for related matters has been red for the second time at the Anambra state house of assembly.

Majority Leader and member represenring Ekwusigo constituency Hon. Ikenna Ofodeme at plenary on Tuesday August 29, sited order 14 rule 74 of the standing order of the house, after which he moved a motion for second reading and was seconded by the Minority Leader Hon. Johnbosco Akaegbobi who is representing Nnewi South two.

Majority leader Hon. Ikenna Ofodeme

Leading the debate, Hon. Ofodeme said the bill if passed into law will prohibit human trafficking of persons and employment of children as domestic workers in Anambra state.

Speaking in support of the bill, Hon. Ejike Okechukwu, Hon. Nobel Igwe, Chief Whip, Hon. Jude Ngobili and Hon. Emmanuel Nwafor in their seperate submissions listed the importance of the bill if passed into law.

According to the lawmakers, ” This bill when passed into law will reduce child labour. The creation of the committee which will be headed by the Commissioner for Justice and Attorney General of Anambra and other members as listed, will investigate cases of human trafficking in the state.

“Part of the function of this committee will be to adopt effective measures for the prevention and eradication of trafficking in persons.

” This bill if passed into law will prohabit and investigate activities such as forced labor, child labor , forced prostitution, exploitative labour, slavery, removal of organs, sale and purchase of persons, amongst others.

“This bill is holistic towards everything that will en-danger human being.

“Some persons have committed this crime but there was no law to persecute them but with this bill been passed into law, that defencency will be cured and all the offenders will know the consequences of the crime they committed.

” Most of under- aged girls because of the hardship experienced in Nigeria, are been forced into doing what they never intended to do.

“There will be public enlightenment and awearness through seminars, workshops, radio and TV programs and other means armed at educating the public on the dengers of trafficking in person.

” This bill when passed into law will cordinate, surpervise, control, protect, assist in training and rehabilitation of victims. This bill also made provision for other punishment for offenders.


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