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Anambra Commissioner For Health Emphasized On Importance Of Early Detection, Prevention Of Cholera

The Commissioner for Health, Anambra State Dr. Afam Obidike has emphasized on the importance of early detection and prevention in managing Cholera outbreaks.

The Commissioner while addressing the media in his office at the Jerome Udorji State Secretariat in Awka, disclosed that Anambra is yet to report any case of cholera, said that the emergency response teams are actively conducting surveillance in all the Local Government Areas to promptly identify and contain any potential case.

He revealed that public education campaigns are also underway to raise awareness about cholera and emphasized preventive measures within communities.

Dr. Obidike maintained that he has taken personal initiative to engage with radio stations to disseminate crucial information and educate the public about the signs, symptoms, and preventive strategies for cholera, and described Cholera as an acute diarrheal disease caused by the bacterium vibrio cholerae, which poses significant health risks due to its potential to cause severe dehydration, vomiting, and, in severe cases, death if left untreated.

The Anambra Health Commissioner said that the transmission of cholera is primarily through the consumption of contaminated food or water, highlighting the importance of maintaining proper sanitation practices and access to clean water sources.

He commended Governor Chukwuma Soludo’s administration for providing Ndi Anambra with potable pipe borne water as clean water is vital to running away from the cholera disease.

Angel Network News (ANN) gathered that
neighboring States of Imo, Abia, and Delta have reported confirmed cases of cholera, prompting heightened vigilance in the state.


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