HomeOthersClassifiedAnambra Govt Arrest Pastor For Defiling Seven Year Old Househelp

Anambra Govt Arrest Pastor For Defiling Seven Year Old Househelp

Anambra State Ministry of Women Affairs has arrested a 65-year old Mr. Frank Ogwu, a pastor and General Overseer of Jesus House of Joy Church, Awka for allegedly defiling a seven year old girl who serves him as a househelp.

Angel Network News (ANN) reports that
the arrest followed an alarm raised by concerned residents of the town who were thrown aback by the regrettable incident.

The suspect who hails from Imo state but has lived with his wife and children in Anambra for over 30 years.

Confessing to the crime, Mr. Ogwu told newsmen that his victim (names withheld) lives with him and his family from where she attends school.

Ogwu said its “trial and tribulations in the life of a servant of God” and pleaded for forgiveness from the State.

On her part, the mother of the victim from Awka narrated that she is a single mother after her husband abandoned her with their five children.

She said she gave out her daughter to the wife of the pastor because they stay within the community to enable take care of her l daughter since the children of the pastor are not in town because of the their questionable characters.

According to Mrs. Ofor, her daughter returned home few days ago and complained that the pastor’s daughter was maltreating her while the pastor molested her which made her to raise alarm.

She pleaded for assistance to enable her conduct proper medical check up on her daughter and as well seek prosecution of the abuser.

ANN gathered that officials of the Ministry of Women Affairs has taken over the case for proper documentation, medical checkup of the victim and prosecution of the suspect.


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