HomeOthersArtsAnambra Govt Intensify Effort In Regulating Activities Of Indigenous Harbal Practictioners

Anambra Govt Intensify Effort In Regulating Activities Of Indigenous Harbal Practictioners

Anambra State government through the
Ministry of Health has commence bio-data registration of Indigenous Harbal Practictioners.

Operation Manager, Anambra State Indigenous Medicine and Harbal Practice, Hon. Daniel Eze-dibia said the capturing of its members is necessary so as to regulate and monitor their activities

” We are running on data registration so that we can know the numbers of indigenous harbal practice in Anambra State.

“Another reason for the data registration is to investigate the rumours circulating that most debia prepare charms for criminals and arm rubbers.

“We want to make sure that all harbal drugs are certified by NAFDAC so as to safeguard the lifes of ndi Anambra.

” We will enroll from bio-data to licensing of all indigenous harbal practitioners so that we can be able to ascertain their activities.

“If their is anybody fingered negatively, through the data base, we can be able to trace the person who will be persecuted.

” This exercise is one of the efforts we are making to fish out quacks.

Hon. Daniel Eze-dibia

“An embargo has been placed. Anybody who wants to advertise his or her product.
must notify us before doing soo.

” We must know the nature and content of of the information you are giving out. We want to stop ndi Anambra from falling victims.

” The recent law on street trading will also back us up in achieving this aim. We need to stop noise pollution in the streets’. Eze-debia said

Hon. Daniel Eze-dibia


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