HomeOthersClassifiedAnambra Peace Building And Conflict Management Agency Bill Passed Into Law

Anambra Peace Building And Conflict Management Agency Bill Passed Into Law

A bill for a law to establish the Anambra State peace building and conflict management agency and for other related  matters has been passed into law on Tuesday May 21 2024 at plenary.

After the necessary corrections and interpretations were made at the committee of the whole, Majority Leader Hon. Ikenna Ofodeme moved a motion for the third reading of the bill, he was seconeded by the Minority Leader Hon Johnbosco Akaebobi.

Anambra Assembly Speaker Rt. Hon. Somtochukwu Udeze said the law will commence implementation from June 20th 2024.

Speaking to house of assembly correspondents in an interview, Hon. Jude Akpua the sponsor of the bill gave reasons why he initiated the bill.

Hon. Jude Akpua the sponsor of the bill

“Last year i discovered that their where too many conflict in villages, organizations, communities and families which has ended in police and courts in Anambra State.

“I had to initiate this peace and conflict resolution bill because where their is need for peace. Where their is no peace, no development. 

“I thank God that the bill has finally be passed into law and in one month time, it will be commence implementation and everybody will benefit from it. 

” Communities are having boundary issues, families are having problems thats why this bill is apt because it will also tackle land grabbing amongst others. All this problems can be settled without going to court. 

“Ndi Anambra needs orientation and re-orientation. People are lavishing and jampacked in cell. There will be less litigations in court because of this law.

” The Governor of Anambra State, Prof. Chukwuma Soludo is a peace maker and i know this bill will get his approval soon and will be implemented”. Akpua concluded.

Angel Network News (ANN) reports that the house adjurned and to reconvene on Thursday May 23.


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