The Anambra State House of Assembly generally meets on Tuesday and Thursday of every week to deliberate on legislative matters bothering the state, which Angel Network News reports. Today’s proceeding commenced by 12: 45pm with an announcement by Mr. Speaker, Hon., Uche Okafor of the funeral of the image maker of the House, Mr. Romanus Aghadinuno, in his country home Anaku, Anambra East LGA. He revealed that the House has sent representatives to the burial but still encouraged Hon. Members and staff of the State Assembly to endeavor to pay condolence visits to the deceased family after the sitting on their individual capacities. A minute silence was observed in honour and for the happy repose of the deceased, Angel Network News Reports.

Thereafter, the Hon. Speaker, Rt. Hon., Uche Okafor noted that there was no message from the Governor of the state, His Excellence Chief Willie Maduabuchukwu Obiano. He therefore requested to known from the Majority leader of the House whether there was any matter of urgent public importance. The Majority Leader, Hon. G. Nnamdi Okafor, Member representing Awka South 1 Constituency informed the House that he has a matter of urgent public importance. The matter is of urgent public importance because it has to do with the people of Anambra and the Southeast in general.

According to Hon. Okafor, the matter concerned the comment credited to the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Mr. Abubakar Malami, SAN. who said that he cannot rule out the introduction of emergency rule in Anambra state. The Majority Leader stated that he has been inundated with calls from his constituency and from well-meaning Ndi Anambra concerning that statement. This was why he has brought up the matter in the floor of the House so that the representatives of Ndi Anambra would air their opinions.

His constituency has asked him on their behalves to reject and condemn the comment with every hidden agenda that was associated with it. He added that the statement as far as he is concerned is uncalled for from someone in the exalted position of Malami’s caliber. According to him, the situation of the country today does not require inflammatory rhetoric that would cause panic among a people already traumatized by insecurity. He noted that as the chief law enforcer, it was the responsibility of Malami to arrest and to prosecute perpetrators of insecurity rather than threatening the people with emergency rule.

According to Hon. Okafor, in the past 7 years, Anambra state was consistently confirmed the safest state in Nigeria; then all of a sudden, just a few months before the governorship election there was this wave of insecurity going on. “Is this trying to tell us something because of the election coming up; is there any hidden agenda; is there something that we don’t know? The lawmaker queried.

While he condemned the killings going on in the state, but he noted that whatever was happening in Anambra state today in terms of violence was like a drop in the ocean when compared with what was happening in other states of the Federation. Borno has been boiling and thousands have been slaughtered for the past seven years, the same applies to Kaduna, Benue, Kastina, Plateau etc. Rhetorically, the Majority leader wonders why state of emergencies have not been declared in all these states.

He plainly declared that the threat of state of emergency in Anambra state was definitely informed by some hidden agendas and vested interest. He called on the all the Hon. Members to stand up and defend Ndi Anambra from any form of imposition and injustice. “The voices of the people’s representatives must be heard.”

“Anambra state is not due for any form of state of emergency. If anyone wants to declare state of emergency in Anambra, he must first of all declare that in all the other 35 states of the Federation.” The lawmaker was adamant that the statement was uncalled for that was why everybody was speaking against it. The famous lawyer, Femi Falana has spoken against it, the Middle Belt group and the Afenifere, the Yoruba group have as well as spoken against it. These were indications that the only person who thought there should be emergency rule in Anambra was Malami. His utterances were a threat to Ndi Anambra and the whole of Igbo land and that is why the House must stand up against it.

The majority leader called on President Mohammadu Buhari, as the ultimate Chief security officer of the Federation to do something about the insecurity in Anambra. According to him, the Governor of the state was handicapped in this regard because the police, the military and all the other state security establishments in the country take their orders from Abuja not from the Governor. This was also why people have been clamoring for restructuring and state police because you can’t say that somebody was the chief security officer of his state why he has no control over the security establishments in the state. The governors in “Nigeria are toothless bulldogs!” In sum, Hon. Okafor, condemned the statement by Malami and called on the House to reject it as well as pass urgent resolution to send a strong message to Malami and all those planning to destabilize Anambra state.

Rt. Hon. Onyebuch Offor, Member representing Ekwusigo Constituency traced the genesis of the problem that birthed the AGN’s statement to insecurity but noted that the beloved Governor of Anambra State, Chief Willie Obiano has been doing everything he can to see that the state was well secured. Hence, things have not degenerated so badly in Anambra state to warrant state of emergency. There were other states in the Federation that have gone and were still going through more security challenges and yet no states of emergencies have been declared in those states. He therefore appealed to President Buhari to dispatch special forces to Anambra state as a matter of urgency. Such measures were taken in Imo state and the problem was curtailed, it would also work in Anambra state.

Hon. Pete Ibida, representing Njikoka II Constituency, tolled the same line with the previous speakers. He described Malami as wallowing in illusion to even conceive that state of emergency can be declared in Anambra, the most peaceful state in Nigeria. On behalf of his constituency, he described the statement as very provocative and unbecoming of a person of Malami’s status. Enumerating the number of international and local awards Governor Willie Obiano have had for making Anambra the safest state in the West African sub-region, he described the recent spate of insecurity in the state as an orchestration by some vile elements to blackmail the governor. “In spite of this Anambra state is still the safest state in Nigeria because the current insecurity is artificial.” He declared that the statement was unacceptable accusing Malami of inciting fear in Ndi Anambra. He blamed the insecurity on the Federal Government asserting that according to the security structure in Nigeria, the governor didn’t even have the right to order the state police commissioner to carry out even legitimate duties. This according to him called for restructuring Nigerian security architecture because the current one is not working. Hon. Ibida, on the whole appealed to Malami to withdraw his statement.

Hon. Somtochukwu Udeze, representing Ogbaru II Constituency, in his own submission adopted all the submissions of his colleagues and in this regard accused Malami of heating up Anambra polity. According to him, state of emergency as provided in section 309 of the 1999 Constitution stipulated procedures for such to take place. None of these requirements has been fulfilled to require state of emergency. “Thus insecurity in Anambra state in the past two weeks cannot be used in any form to call for state of emergency.” There are states all over the federation involved in more serious insecurities and state of emergency has not been declared in those states. He condemned the statement and implored other members of the House to call Malami to order and compel him to withdraw the statement.

Hon. Edward Obiefuna, Member representing Onitsha North 11 Constituency , described Malami statement as disheartening. According to him, a simple search through Google revealed to him that Anambra state was not even among the ten most insecure states in Nigeria. This made him to wonder why state of emergency should be declared in Anambra while same has not been done in states like Borno, Kastina, Kaduna, Plateau, etc. which has been engulfed in more security challenges. He described what was going on in Anambra at the moment as political insecurity and called for Malami to be held to account as he might know the cause of the problem especially in connection with the Nov. 6th coming election. He called on Anambra’s Attorney General to sue Malami for trying to make Anambra ungovernable.

Hon. Chidi Udemadu, representing Ihala I Constituency accused Malami of abuse of office. He argued that state of emergency was not something to be used anyhow. Thus, for Malami to use it the way he has done without considering the effect on the people constituted an abuse of his exalted position. Based on this, Udemadu demanded unreserved apology from Malami to the good people of Anambra state whose psyche he has injured.

Hon. Chuka Ezenwunne, representing Idemili South Constituency accused the AGN of adding more fuel to the fire of insecurity already burning all over the country. He explained that his constituency was the epicenter of the ongoing insecurity in Anambra state and lamented that no reasonable step has been taken by the security agencies to provide security in the area. Coming from the point of view of the Nigerian Constitution, he explained that Malami premised his statement on the ground that if the governor of the state fails to secure his state, the Federal Government would invoke section 305 to imposed emergency rule. Hon. Ezenwunne queried whether the governor has such powers to secure the state when according to the constitution the governor has no control over the police and the army.

On his interpretation, Section 305 required that the state of emergency can only be called in time of eminent danger. Since Anambra was not facing such eminent danger, he wondered why Malami or any other person wanted state of emergency imposed in Anambra. He noted that even the president did not have absolute power in relation to the mater. His power was subject to the approval of the National Assembly who may decide to overrule him. Nevertheless, the lawmaker saw the statement by the AGN as a wakeup call to all stakeholders in Anambra to come together and find lasting solution to the problem.

Hon. Ejike Okechukwu, representing Aniocha II Constituency argued that Aminu Belo Masari called on the citizens of Kastina state to pick up arms and defend themselves and Malami did not call for emergency rule; Governors of Benue, Borno, Plateau, Niger and Zamfara, states have made similar statements and nobody has called for state of emergency. The same applies to all the states in the Northeast, Northwest and Northcentral and nobody has called for state of emergency. The bottom line was that the speed with which Malami rushed to talk about state of emergency in Anambra was indicative that the killings in the state was politically motivated and that Malami might be aware of those involved in the killings.

Hon. Beverly Ikpeazu Nkemdiche, representing Onitsha South II was appalled that the AGN ignored all the insecurities ravaging the North and saw Anambra as a place where state of emergency should be declared. She described Malami’s statement as the height of rascality and was saddened that it was coming from such exalted office. She called on the AGN to withdraw the statement and apologize to Anambra people.

Hon. Emeka Aforka, representing Orumba North expressed sadness over the undemocratic statement made by the AGN. He noted that emergency rule can only be declared in an environment where public services did not work. “Public services are still working in Anambra state, schools and markets are still open and we are here carrying out our legislative duties. There is no situation of anarchy in Anambra state.” He wondered then where Malami was when Boko Haram was taking over villages and local governments in Borno and other parts of the North. Based on these, Hon. Aforka called the AGN to withdraw his careless statement insisting that Malami has a lot of moral questions to answer.

Hon. Obinna Emenaka representing Anambra East Constituency, observed that compared to what was happening even in Malami’s own state, there was no justification for declaring emergency rule in Anambra state. He thus condemned Malami’s statement asking the AGN to tender unreserved apology to the people of the state.
Hon. Ebele Ejiofor, representing Aniocha 1 Constituency, joined other Hon. Members to condemn Malami’s call for state of emergency maintaining that there was no justification for such call. He noted that this was not the first time Malami was showing his hatred for Ndi. He had once compared the legitimate businesses the Igbo do in the North to the cattle rearing of the Fulani herdsmen who were marauding, killing and pillaging communities. He advised Malami to face his duties and stare clear of Anambra’s politics.

Hon. Uzoma Eli representing Onitsha South I Constituency, descried Malami’s statement describing it as executive recklessness. He queried whether state of emergency was truly the solution to insecurity? He also claimed that what we have in Anambra state can be simply managed if there were to be proper security formation. Describing what was happening in Anambra state as an orchestration by those who have mundane quest for power. He condemned the AGN insisting that what Anambra needed was robust security apparatus not the opinion of someone who was issuing mindless order from Abuja.

Hon. Charles Obimma representing Oyi Constituency also condemned the statement from the AGN describing it as senseless and snobbish. He said that the Federal Government should bow its head in shame for not being able to secure the country instead of looking for whom to blame. He condemned the deployment of heavy military in Anambra state without due consultation as illegal. According to him, the Federal Government has realized the illegality of these deployments that was why they were trying to legalize it through emergency rule. There should be perfect explanation as to why our road should be flooded by the military. This was the explanation Malami needed to make to Anambra people not declaring state of emergency.
Hon. Okechukwu Okoye representing Aguata 11 Constituency wondered why Malami should stoop so low as to make the statement generating such controversy all over the country. He accused Malami of subtly trying to illegally remove the dully elected and most beloved governor of Anambra state. He added that state of emergency cannot bring peace in Anambra state and therefore called for dialogue to find out why some section of the society was aggrieved.

Hon. Lawrence Ezeudu representing Dunukofia acknowledged that he was in the same party with the AGN, in spite of that he maintained that the AGN’s statement was unjustifiable. “The state of Anambra state as it stands today does not necessitate a state of emergency. State of emergency is only allowed during medical crisis and when institutions have collapsed. These have not happened in Anambra state.” Therefore he joined other members of the house in calling on the AGN to withdraw the statement and apologize to Ndi Anambra.

Hon, Pascal Agbodike representing Ihiala II Constituency also called for dialogue and negotiation as the best ways of solving the insecurity in Anambra state. He stated that everybody was aware of the various agitations all over the country, especially in the Southeast. Thus, dialogue was the only solution to the problem. “Even those who go for war still sit at round table to talk. If the Federal Government wants to solve this problem they know what to do.” He argued that the first step was not to send the army but to ask what the root cause of the problem was. He advised the Federal Government to toll the path of peace instead of the path of war.

After these deliberations the resolution of the House was read out by the Speaker of House, Rt. Hon., Uche Okafor as follows:

Be it therefore resolved by this Hon. House that the Anambra State House of Assembly rejects and condemns the statement credited to the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice Malam Abubakar Malami, SAN stating that the possibility of declaring a state of emergency in Anambra state cannot be ruled out. This State House of Assembly calls on the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of the Federation to immediately within 24 hours withdraw the statement otherwise this House will call for his resignation because he has failed to defend the 1999 Constitution of the country as the Chief Law enforcement officer of the country.

The Honourable House also urges the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, President Mohammadu Buhari to reinforce police and security protection for the good of Ndi Anambra. The House also use this medium to commend his Excellency the Executive Governor of Anambra State, His excellence Chief Willie Maduabuchkwu Obiano for the good thing he is doing for Ndi Anambra in terms of security and we pray the good Lord to continue to bless him with wisdom and give him all the resources that he need to enable him complete his tenure. This House condemns anything in the thoughts or likes of state of emergency coming from anywhere.

Moving away from the matter of urgent attention, the Majority Leader of the House, Hon. G. Nnamdi Okafor asked the House to approve the presentation and consideration of the bills of house committee on finance and appropriation and 2021 Multi-year budget framework, Economic and Fiscal Year Strategic Paper and Budget Policy Documents. The Majority Leader pleaded with the Speaker for the presentation of these bills to be stepped down for the next adjourned date. The motioned was seconded by Rt. Hon. Onyebuchi Augustine Offor Member representing Ekwusigo Constituency. The motion was put into vote by the Speaker and Hon. Members overwhelmingly approved stepping down the bills till the next adjourned date.

The Majority Leader subsequently moved another motion proposing a bill for a law to provide for the establishment of Anambra State Multi-door Court House and for other connected matter. The bill was due for presentation and first reading. The Majority Leader therefore moved a motion that the Honourable House do allow for a bill for a law to provide for the establishment of Anambra Multi-door Court House and for other connected matter be presented to this Honourable House and be read for the first time. The motion was again seconded by Hon. Onyebuchi Augustine Offor. The proposal was put into vote, passed by the House and admitted by the House Clerk.

The Majority Leader finally moved a motion for another bill on Open Grazing of Cattle and Other Livestock Prohibition and Ranches Establishment bill. The bill was a continuation of the progress previously made on the floor of the House on the 5th day October, 2021. The Majority Leader moved a motion for the bill to be stepped down for the next adjourned date. The motion was also seconded by Hon. Onyebuchi Augustine Offor. After consulting with the Chairman of the committee on Agriculture, the Speaker once again put the bill on vote. The bill was adopted.

At this point, the plenary was adjourned to reconvene on Tuesday, the 12th day of October 2021, at exactly 10 am, following a motion moved by the Majority Leader and seconded by Hon. Onyebuchi Augustine Offor.


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