HomeOthersClassifiedAnambra State Igbo Apprenticeship Bill Passes Second Reading

Anambra State Igbo Apprenticeship Bill Passes Second Reading

A bill for a law to provide for the regulation of Igbo Apprenticeship System (Igba boi and trainee) and for related matters has passed through second reading at the Anambra State House of Assembly.

Hon. Ejike Okechukwu, sponsor of the bill

Angel Network News (ANN) reports that the the sponsor of the bill, Hon. Ejike Okechukwu, member representing Anaocha two constituency while leading the debate stated that the major problem facing Nigeria is the issue of unemployment.

According to Hon. Okechukwu, in this part of the country and South-East in the 70′, 80′ and 90s, the major employment of labour is apprenticeship system (Igba boi and trainee).

” Most of our youths back then were absorbed into igba boi system. We have the bigest market in West Africa and it was a breeding ground.

” Igba boi system begain to die when a servent will serve his master for years and when its time to settle him, stories will come up and the servant will be sacked.

“This act made most of our young boys begin to see it as a wasted effort including. Also, the emergence of social media and online market platforms also played its role.

“This bill is trying to see how we will maintain our own standard.

“The objective of this bill is regulate Igba boi in Anambra State and to have a data base of intreasted persons that want to indulge in the scheme.

“A platform will be created to regulate issues through court because most times, when nwa boi is sacked by the oga, their is no body to speak for him and all the years invested in service are wasted which might led him to crime.

“This bill also looked at the rights of the oga and nwa boi and the qualifications which is to acquire basic education.

” This bill also give room in creating Anambra State Igbo Aprenticeship Commission, whose responsibility will be to galvanise all the objectives and offer certificate to nwa boi that has completed his services”. Okechukwu submitted

Supporting the second reading of the bill, Majority Leader Hon. Ikenna Ofodeme (Ekwusigo), Hon. Chidi Ibemeka (Njikoka one), Hon. Nobel Igwe (Ogbaru one), Deputy Minority Whip Hon. Nkechi Ogbuefi (Anaocha one), Hon. Patrick Okafor (Onitsha North two) Chief Whip Hon. Jude Ngobili (Ihiala one), Hon. Golden Iloh (Ihiala two), Hon. Tony Mobiike (Aguata two) and Hon. Augustine Ike (Nnewi) while speaking in favour of the bill stated that the bill is coming at the right.

According to the lawmakers ‘ Their should be a signed agreement between a servant and the master which must stipulate how many years of service.

” When their is no law, there is always abuse. This bill will bring back confidence in aprenticeship system.

” Most people that passed through this system, learn the secret of success through their master.

” Many billionaires and millionaires are product of Igba boi and a lot of government agencies are under-studying this scheme in other to know the secret behind its success and the research is still on”. The lawmakers said.

Anambra Speaker Rt. Hon. Somtochukwu Udeze in his submission commended the sponsor of the bill Hon. Ejike Okechukwu.

Rt. Hon. Udeze referred the bill to a joint committee on judiciary and justice chaired by Hon. Patrick Okafor and committee on commerce, trade and industry chaired by Hon. Innocent Ojike, urging them to report back to the house in the next four weeks.

The house adjourned to Friday March 22,


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