HomeOthersClassifiedAnambra State Touting Prohibition Bill, Passed Into Law

Anambra State Touting Prohibition Bill, Passed Into Law

A bill for a law to provide for the prohibition of touting and related activities in all sectors, have scaled through third reading and passed into law, at the Anambra State House of Assembly.

Anambra Assembly Speaker Rt. Hon. Somtochukwu Udeze stated that the law will take effect from 11th of April 2024.

Angel Network News (ANN) reports that Majority Leader, Hon. Ikenna Ofodeme who sponsored the bill, moved a motion for the third reading and passage. He was seconded by the Minority Leader Hon. Johnbosco Akaebobi, after necessary corrections were made at the ‘Committee of the Whole’.

Speaking in an interview after plenary, the member representing Ekwusigo constituency Hon. Ikenna Ofodeme said everyday, ndi Anambra are lamenting over the menace of touting in the state.

Hon. Ofodeme who is the Majority Leader stated that “when you talk about touts, some people think that its just the one at the Onitsha main market. Their are cooperate touts at the Immigration, FRSC and other organizations and agencies’. The lawmaker said.

“It has affects Anambra State most and that is why we have not been abale to raise our IGR. This is what triggered the introduction of this bill.

” We are trying to close all the loopholes because the touts have graduated to criminals. 

” Anambra State Anti-Touts Special Squad (SASA) is the only way we could be able to raise IGR. It is another way to easily get most of this criminals arrested and hand them over to appropriate agencies. 

“Why we placed SASA under homeland is not because we forget that the ministry of homeland is strictly facing issues on vigilante and boundary matters, but the moment those criminals are arrested,  they will be handed them over to vigilantes. 

“The law has exonerated the state executive and house of assembly because we never approved torture. We have a sentence for those criminals. 

“But touts who have graduated to criminals, can be diabolical and harmful. However, the people that are going to work, must be trained and physically fit.

” Those who will carry out the assignments, will be protected by the law, likewise those who committed the crime, will face the law’. Ofodeme submitted.

The house was adjurned to Thursday 11th April 2024


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