HomePoliticsAPGA To Begin Re-Registration In Anambra Soon

APGA To Begin Re-Registration In Anambra Soon

Governor Chukwuma Soludo says the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) will  begin nationwide re-registration soon.

Soludo who is the National Leader of the party made the announcement at the Governor’s Lodge, Amawbia during a meeting of the executives of the 326 wards of APGA in the state.

According to Soludo, the party will begin fresh registration of members of the party who will receive a digital card that has a semblance of the voter cards, stressing that finishing touches are being put in place to achieve the party’s ICT emancipation to become the first party to go full digital.

The Governor said that APGA is the first political party in Nigeria that was registered with “progressive” in its name, stressing that the party’s ideology is founded on initiating developments for the people, especially the poor, vulnerable, the down-trodden and the forgotten.

Soludo pointed out that there is hope for Nigeria using the APGA vehicle, stating that his administration has already initiated and implemented alot of policies in the state such as building strategic roads in Awba-Ofemili, Nzam, Okpoko, Onitsha and indeed, all local government areas in the state;  provides free antenatal care and delivery services for pregnant women in public health facilities, provision of free basic education to pupils and students and public schools, interventions in critical areas of Olumbanasa, among others.

He added that his government is poised to do more, targeting to provide primary health centres in the 326 political wards of the state, build five brand new general hospitals, distribution of more coconut, palm and other seedlings, assuring that the party will continue to lead its progressive agenda which is its unique distinguishing factor.

For the National Chairman of the party, Barr. Sylvester Ezeokenwa and the State Chairman of APGA, Barr. Ifeatu Obi-okoye, Governor Soludo has consistently shown genuine interest in APGA especially in reshaping and organising the party to be more responsible and more ideological compared to other   political parties in the country.


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