HomeOthersArtsArchbishop Okeke Celebrates Easter With Onitsha Correctional Inmates, Donates Items

Archbishop Okeke Celebrates Easter With Onitsha Correctional Inmates, Donates Items

His Grace, Most Rev. Valerian Maduka Okeke, the Archbishop of Onitsha has visited Onitsha Correctional Centre where he celebrated Easter feast with the inmates.

Delivering his Homily entitled: “Nothing is Impossible With God”. Archbishop Okeke admonished that many people are still in doubt for the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the death.

The Cleric said, “Many did not believe does not mean that Jesus Christ did not resurrect from death. Nothing is absolutely impossible before God Almighty. In every condition, don’t give up. Always remember that nothing is impossible before God. When something is happening in your life, follow it with faith and prayers.

“If you have faith, you will see the glory of God in your life. The power of God will overwhelm your challenges like flood. Nothing happens in accident in the presence of God. When we Celebrates Easter, we celebrate the victory of God”

ANN reports that the visit of the Cleric featured celebration of Holy Eucharist and visiting of the skill acquisition site in the area.

Archbishop Okeke at the visit disclosed that he had finally got the approval to commence fencing the skill acquisition center from the Controller- General of Correctional Centre Abuja.

ANN recalls that the skill acquisition center which was located behind the Correctional Centre was single handedly built and fully equipped by Archbishop Okeke but had not been functional due to non- approval by the authority.

Archbishop Okeke who expressed joy at getting the approval noted that he would now be free to fence the facilities so that inmates could commence learning of various skills in the center.

The State Controller of Correctional Centre, Mr. Patrick Chukwuemeka commended Archbishop Okeke for his visits to Correctional Centre, describing him as a father of the Center.

Chukwuemeka also praised the Archbishop for transforming the Correctional Centre, stressing  that he had served in almost all the states across the country, but had not seen a Correctional Centre reformed like that of Onitsha.

He said that the Correctional Centre could only appreciate the Archbishop for what he had done  by applying his teachings in their lives and always praying for him.

The Correctional boss urged the inmates to understand that God wants them to repent and be corrected from their evil way by allowing them to stay in Correctional Centre.

He further told them to use the opportunity of Archbishop Okeke’s magnanimity   to the Center to reform themselves.

Items donated to the inmates by  the Archbishop Okeke included assorted tissue paper, toilet soaps, carbin biscuits, Easter cake and special cake, one live cow, ten bags of cooked rice amongst other items.


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