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Buhari, the national question and general election

Muhammadu Buhari until he became the President of Nigeria in 2015 was among the very few Nigerian leaders that were highly credited with near impeccable integrity. Honestly, the retired General had phobia for huge amount of money and must have belong to the school that equates love of money with treasonable worship of Mammon. His lifestyles and that of his family bore eloquent testimony to this character portrait despite the avalanche of opportunities he has had at the corridor, sitting room and master bedroom of power before then as Military Governor of the North Eastern State, Federal Minister of Petroleum, GOC, Military Head of State and Chairman of the PTF. Not only did he demonstrated his dislike for affluent living in the neighbourhood of striking abject poverty, he hated indiscipline and corruption in public life with great bile as demonstrated during his military headship of the country between 1983 and 1985 with the historical and most popular Nigeria’s “War Against Indiscipline” (WAI). The regime was to remain unforgettable and missed sorely in Nigeria thereafter particularly as the regime that ousted it through a palace coup reversed all the gains of WAI and took Nigeria to the dungeon of indiscipline and legitimised official corruption as a norm in Nigeria. That regime of Gen. Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida, IBB the self-acclaimed “evil genius” lasted over 8 tortuous years and Nigeria has not recovered from the effects ever since even though the regime had ended in ignominy since August 1993. The Buhari/Idiagbon regime became a benchmark for disciplined leadership and Nigeria was left salivating for a repeat of Buhari/Idiagbon.

Talking about the Nigeria National Question, even the colonial masters of Nigeria who amalgamated us in 1914 recognised that we are not one and the same people in many fundamental respects safe for our common humanity. They did not lump us together but rather administered us separately and differently: some with indirect rule, some direct and some with a blend. When it was time to leave, they invited our various leaders to roundtable negotiations severally in Lagos and London particularly between 1957 and 1960. This is why I personally consider it uncharitable to blame the colonial masters for every of our woes after leaving us with a constitution that was most suitable to our kind of complex heterogeneity. The 1960 independence constitution consolidated by the 1963 Republican constitution gave us the Nigeria golden era of the first republic until it was suspended by the roaring army of political illiterates in 1966. That golden era constitutional order is what Nigeria is dying to return to today as restructuring.

The Nigeria National Question as at today looks straight into the eyes of our national coat of arms with the motto: Unity and Faith, Peace and Progress. Are we even as united as we were before the suspension of that constitutional order of 1966 for a unitary constitution under Aguiyi Ironsi? With the mutilation of the regions to splinter states have we now become faithful in our allegiance to the Nigeria state? 57 years after and despite trillion naira investment in the military in and out of government, are we anywhere near a peaceful nation today and does our touted progress translate to our happiness and national pride as a people?

These to my mind are the cogent national questions begging for answers today as engineered by our military adventurists in politics who unfortunately continually and residually continue to aggravate the damages and fuel the questions. Ironsi, Gowon, Murtala, Obasanjo, Buhari, Babangida, Abacha and Abdusalami were of the conspiracy of the Nigeria question. The question is not about the price of commodities, the exchange rate or the dilapidated infrastructure, but constitutional structural framework that holds the nation together dysfunctionally.

In retrospect, one wonders what audacity; if not madness of the gun barrels that could make the military guys thought they were or could be better than the quality of leaders they overthrew bloodily in 1966 in the persons of Balewa, Bello, Azikiwe, Akintola etal. It was the greatest misfortune that befell Nigeria damning the natural flow of her stream of unity, arresting her peace and detaining her progress. With coups and counter coups and the 30 months civil war with humongous immediate and collateral losses to the nation, the national questions rages louder, but the military in the feat of hysteria held down Nigeria with gun on the rape slab with the Generals taking turn of the pleasure by violence.

Myriads indeed became the afflictions of the innocent pious nation of Nigeria as the military proceeded from the error of “unitarism” to “uniformism” to “unity primary schools and colleges” to “federal character of nepotism” and to the enthronement of “national principle of mediocrity”. Our higher institutions have been riddled with cultism and our cities with armed robberies and later banditry before the military were done with raping Nigeria. Then come their political game of endless transition with the “June 12” watershed which became the river that ultimately swept the military back to their barracks in 1999.

Does Nigeria ever lack the answers to these national questions? Not at all! The civil societies consisting of veterans from all over the country, particularly since under the military have always shown the intelligible way out of the contraption but the military with arrogance of ignorance have determinedly continue in the wrong direction. As at the peak of the civil societies’ action shortly before the military bow out, the solutions to the Nigeria National questions were already summarised to about five main bullets which expectedly anybody who succeeded the military pick on the shelf but unfortunately the military replaced itself and consolidated its errors into the democratic system through former president Olusegun Obasanjo an alumnus of the military school of error.

Why and how is Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu the answer after all he is from the same APC as the famed unofficial national leader of the party?

Tinubu is not just a pure bloody civilian but a civil politician with the fighting spirit of the Balewa, Azikiwe, Awolowo and Ahmadu Bellos. He was in the trenches against the military until they yielded to civil rule in 1999 just as these founding fathers of Nigeria fought the colonialists until Nigeria became independent in 1960. As we remember today the labour of the many heroes past of that struggle, Tinubu remain the last man standing of the titans of the great vision for a well-structured nation for efficient management and competitive utilization of its abundant human and material resources towards becoming a clear continental power to start with. These were the lofty goals and the underlining ideals of the NADECO struggle which the Alfred Rewane, the Abraham Adesanya, the Ndubuisi Kanu, AVM Dan Suleiman, Sheu Sani and the Tinubus championed. It was the final battle for the soul of anigeria between the military and the civil society’s forces. That was the battle Tinubu continued against Obasanjo for the first eight years of this democracy as the Governor of Lagos State. Even when other states fell to the PDP tsunami in 2003 and Nigeria was drifting to a one party state, Tinubu was “the man who hold his own head” against the tide and survived Obasanjo’s military antics. Since 2007, he has taken the back stage nursing others to the leadership club while his contemporaries were busy fighting for selves to the senate and ministerial slots. He kept his faith in God while remaining fixated at the ultimate goal of enthroning a true civilian order in Nigeria for the realisation of our dream of greatness; the dreams of our founding fathers.

What Asiwaju has done with Lagos is convincing even to the blind that Nigeria can work better with its potentials unlocked and energy redirected to greatness in peaceful co-existence.


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