HomeOpinionChairman Local Government Service Commission Did Not Divert Anambra Workers Transport Largess:...

Chairman Local Government Service Commission Did Not Divert Anambra Workers Transport Largess: Nweke Declares

Chairman Local Government Service Commission Did Not Divert Anambra Workers Transport Largess : Nweke Declares

The Chairman Publicity Committee Local Government Service Week Program, Comrade Nnamdi Nweke has debunked reports that Barr. Vin Ifeanyi Ezeaka, Chairman of the Local Government Service Commission (LGSC), diverted part of the money donated by Governor Chukwuma Soludo for workers.

Speaking to newsmen in an interview after the thanksgiving mass on Sunday held at St. Patrick’s Cathedral Awka, Comrade Nweke who is also the head of department education and social development, Anambra West local government said the report is false and malicious.

In his words; We thank the Governor of Anambra State Prof. Chukwuma Soludo for supporting the workers present at the opening ceremony with twenty thousand naira transportation allowance each.

” This is a prove that Soludo is workers friendly governor. He said it and implemented it.

“The money was brought through the Commissioner for Local Government and was prudently distributed to the officers concerned.

“The rumour is a false information. Ekene Okoye, the journalist from Heraldviews, was among the journalists that were not invited to the program. He approached us, insisting that he will be part of the money giving to workers by the Governor.

” We the members of the Publicity Committee explained to him that the Governor was specific and that the money is for workers from the 21 local government area.

“We pleaded to him explaining that the invited journalists have been settled and
at the appropriate time he will be attended to, but he couldn’t wait and went the following day without investigation and wrote this damaging report.

” This publication is a calculated attempt to ternish the reputation of Barr. Ezeaka who planned the successful program intended to transform local government system positively.

” This reporter intentionally wanted to basterdize the program and demage the reputation of a man who has done what other Commission chairmen were not able to do since the creation of Anambra State local service Commission.

“The program was very successful and i commend Governor Chukwuma Soludo for giving approval for the local government system to carry out this program and for coming personally on Tuesday 25th 2004 at the Prof. Dora Akunyili Women Development Center, Awka to declare it up.

“Mr. Governor was very happy with the turn out and was impressed with the quality peper presentations and with the key note speaker.

“I thank Mr. Governor for giving the local government the opportunity to organize the program and am also greatful to Barr. Vin Ifeanyi Ezeaka, Chairman of the Local Government Service Commission who liaised with the board to get the approval from Mr. Governor to run the five days program with quality paper presentation from reputable professors in Anambra State and beyond.

” There were delegations from the 21 local government and invited guests. This is the first of its kind since the creation of
local government system in Anambra State.

” The expectations from local government workers is that hence forth, they will be ICT compliant. They are expected to put into practice all they were thought during the paper presentation especially on the need for immediate transformation from analog to digital way of service because everything was centered on ICT.

” We want a situation were by the Chairman of Anambra Service Commission would call an officer from the field to forward to him the activities carried out within the day and they will do so without transporting themselves thereby, reducing the cost and risk of transportation.

“We have alot of lessons learnt from the program which will help us to be more efficient in our delivery and services at the grassroot and also charge our attitude to work and ensure that all we are doing is in line with the policy and transformation agenda of Governor Chukwuma Soludo.

” We are ready to go back to work because we have been equipped both practically and theoretically from the resource persons. Its now time for us to step it down to the grassroots and the government has promised to assist us by providing necessary aminities”. Nweke said

ANN gathered from a reliable source that apart from the 30 workers from the 21 local government areas, their were also ushers, Solution magazine Committee, logistics Committee, local government service pension board, seminar committee, publicity committee, award committee, local government Commission staff and drivers who benefitted from the money.


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