WWE, through various Cody Rhodes promos, put a lot of stakes on Rhodes beating Lesnar.

This past week on Raw, Rhodes noted he must go to the back of the line should he lose to Lesnar, similar to how he took himself out of contention for the AEW World Championship after losing to Jericho at AEW Full Gear 2019.

“I’m the one that has to win at Backlash, because if I don’t the whole idea of finishing the story ceases to exist,” said Rhodes in a backstage promo.

Rhodes Shocks Lesnar

Despite looking like all hope was lost for Rhodes during periods of the match, everything was turned on its head when Lesnar connected with the exposed turnbuckle. As soon as his head hit the metal, you could see blood start to pool on his face. The Beast was quickly given a crimson mask, something people backstage likely won’t be too happy about. Again Lesnar battled back, eventually getting Rhodes in a Kimura Lock that appeared to have the match won.

Rhodes had one last trick up his sleeve, though. The former TNT Champion managed to roll himself over Lesnar, staying in the submission while pinning his opponent’s shoulders to the mat for a three count and the win. Rhodes smartly rolled right on out of the ring after picking up the win and swiftly made his way up the ramp, leaving the scene of the crime before Lesnar could even register that he had been beaten.

 A victorious Rhodes will now turn his sights to the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. WWE Raw will kick off a tournament for the world title on Monday night in the form of two Triple Threat matches with the winners facing each other in the main event. While no participants have been announced, Cody Rhodes is strongly expected to compete.

(Forbes/Digital Spy)