HomeOthersClassifiedJealous wife sets self ablaze in Jigawa

Jealous wife sets self ablaze in Jigawa

A jealous house wife, Maimuna Wadaji, has been hospitalised after she set herself afire in an attempt to commit suicide in Dutse, Jigawa.

DSP Lawan Shiisu, the Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Jigawa Police Command, confirmed the incident to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Dutse.

Shiisu said the victim, a resident of Runguma village, committed the offence on Aug. 6.

He said that the victim allegedly committed the offence after she became aware of her husband’s plan to remarry his ex-wife.

The Spokesman said that the police, upon receipt of the information, moved to the scene and rushed the victim to Federal University Teaching Hospital, Dutse, for medical attention.

“On Friday; at about 10:00hrs, information was received by the police that one Maimuna Wadaji of Rungumau village, Dutse Local Government Area, attempted suicide, where she bathed with petrol and put fire on herself.

“And later shouted and called for help where she was rushed to the FUD Teaching Hospital Dutse for treatment,” he said.

According to him, the victim will be charged to court as soon as she is discharged from the hospital.


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