Libation is ritual pouring of liquid on the ground in an offering or thanksgiving to a deity, often with invocation of departed male souls (ancestors) for the purpose or for enabling sustenance of ancestral beliefs.

It was common in many religions of antiquity and continues today to be done in cultures. 

Liquid used for libation could be hot-drink, wine, milk, honey, oil or water depending on culture and what the occasion is.

The ritual follows the pattern of speaking or praying while holding the liquid in a container & at the end of each speech or prayer a portion of the liquid is poured on the ground or on the object with affirmation of ‘Amen’  from the participants. 

Three acts are involved; 

1. Speaking or praying holding the liquid in a container, 

2. Pouring the liquid on the ground or on the object

3. Affirmation of ‘Amen’ or whatever word a people use for indicating innermost assenting, approval or acceptance of something.

Each of the acts has strong spiritual implication and effect. 

Speaking or praying while holding the liquid in a container provides medium through which the people’s volition is transmitted to a deity & souls called upon, and through which the subject of the gathering becomes efficacious. With it the impetus for action or to act is given to the deity & the souls.

Pouring the liquid on the ground or on an object at the end of each speech or prayer seals the people in their volition to matter, to the deity and to the souls called upon who are still bound to matter.

Affirmation of ‘Amen’ same time with the pouring is assent of the participants  to whatever was said and done and it becomes so for them individually.

Each act entangles the participants and also holds the possibility of admitting darkness. 

Darkness means anything that is evil.

Darkness exists only in the world of matter and easily expresses itself through material substance. it reacts or reaches out through intents that are material based. Intents are conveyed by word & deed.

Darkness can easily penetrate & take control when volition is transmitted by words & action through material substance to material thing. Using the substance for a purpose or casting/pouring it on the ground, on something or on someone for a purpose could draw along darkness.

The spoken words or the prayer may draw down to coarse gross matter the souls called upon who are about to find path of ascent and who are about to start ascending. It also holds firm in coarse gross matter the ones that are earthbound & draws close the ones that reincarnated on earth or instill in them feeling of affiliation with the people & the custom..

Thus participating in such occasion are as follows: people present in the ceremony, souls homogenous to the people present in the ceremony and the ancestors called upon to which belongs souls striving to find the right path, souls that have started freeing themselves from matter, souls that are earthbound due to propensity for earthly things and souls that reincarnated on earth to free themselves from threads of fate still tying them there.

For the reincarnated souls, the knowledge of previous earth-life  is lovingly blocked to enable them experience without bias & be able to free themselves of anything that may hinder them from learning through the experiencing.

The participating reincarnated ancestors know not that libation could be the cause of their predicaments and may be one of the reasons for their reincarnation. Some of them may feel unease in experiencing it & wonder why, some may be confused and at times complain, some may be skeptical and often question the validity, and some whose inner sensing is blocked by the intellect will swing in it fully without any feeling but strong affiliation.

The deities named or called upon are the ones formed in matter by the substantiate servants of God in-charge of matter in response to the volition of the people. It is the people that animate the deities.

Each of the participants binds himself to the deity called forth, in addition participants in flesh & blood are linked to the ancestors named to the degree of their innermost involvement. This either creates inner disturbance to the named reincarnated ancestors or strong affiliation without them knowing why.

If one who does not believe in libation happens to be in an occasion it is done & acquiesce with ‘Amen’ each time the liquid is poured, he contributes in it & become also entangled whether he is there on his own will or compelled to be there.

Also If one who does not believe in libation must compulsorily be present for it due to culture, then for the person to be free of entanglements he has to be cautious & aloof in the process.

Today, libation holds in casual settings, milestone moments, traditional events, petitioning a deity, thanking a deity, invocations, etc with the thought that it goes to the Almighty Father. 

Libation is not of God nor for God.

Nothing in material world can be used to appease God or can move God to respond to demands of a people except living His Will. 

His will is expressed in nature as natural laws.

God is unsubstantiate, His abode is above Divine substantiate realm. 

Under the Divine lies the Spiritual substantiate realm as the main Creation. Material realm is below the Spiritual at an unimaginable distance. It came to be consequence of the spiritual as subsequent Creation or post creation.

Libation is not even for the lords of the Substantiate-beings whose abode is  immediately below the spiritual realm and immediately above the material realm. 

The Substantiate beings were once taken as deities by some ancient communities.  

So only the formed & animated deities in matter can be appeased with casting/pouring or offering material things to respond to demands.

Such deities are found either in ethereal matter, fine gross matter or medium gross matter of the world of matter depending on the type and nature of volition that caused the formation & did the animation, while their graven or carven images are kept on earth as objects to be approached in reaching them. 

The powers of such deities are directly related to the height or depth in which they are formed and animated. The higher thus more luminous the height, the more powerful a deity would be in bringing about good, and the deeper thus darker the depth, the more powerful a deity would be in bringing about evil.

It is better to pray over a liquid asking that spiritual power permeates it or streams through it and then drink or use it as gift from God through nature than imbuing the liquid with speeches or prayer and pour it on the ground at the end of each speech or prayer with Amen. Then drink or use it for a purpose.

Libation was introduced by man in his culture after he failed to the temptation of Lucifer, and it gradually became tradition.



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