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Minister for Arts, Culture & Creative Economy, Hannatu Musawa, Unveils Eight-Point Plan to Transform Creative Sector

Hannatu Musawa, the Minister of the newly created Ministry of Art, Culture, and the Creative Economy, launched a visionary Eight-Point Plan today, aiming to solidify Nigeria’s standing as the cultural and entertainment capital of the World.

With our greatest resource, the Nigerian People, at the forefront, we are championing a creative, cultural, and economic renaissance,” said Hannatu Musawa. “Our culture is a valuable currency, creativity is the new oil, and innovation is our future.”

The key highlights of the Minister’s Eight-Point Plan include:

1. Nigeria Destination 2030: A national initiative to unify and bolster the arts, culture, and creative economy sectors. This manifesto seeks to increase jobs, attract tourists, and offer more local opportunities over the short, medium and long term leading to achievement of overarching goals by 2030.

2. Skills Development: Comprehensive training programs will be introduced to ensure professionals are equipped to shine in their fields.

3. Policy Framework & Intellectual Property: The focus will be on creating and refining policies and an enabling environment, emphasizing intellectual property rights protection to encourage innovation and creativity within the creative economy space as well as retain significant IP and revenue streams in Nigeria.

4. Strategic Collaboration: With a firm governance structure, the ministry will collaborate with government agencies, the private sector, academia, and artists. The establishment of a Creative Economy Advisory Council will further solidify these efforts.

5. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): Aimed at attracting investment, these partnerships will support the development of infrastructure, tech, and innovation hubs.

6. Growth Targets: Aiming for Nigerian creative industries to be among the top 20 globally in contributions to GDP, job creation, and poverty reduction by 2050.

7. Digital Transformation & Infrastructure: Investment in modern facilities, transportation, and technology, with a keen focus on integrating arts and culture into the digital domain.

8. Cultural Heritage Preservation: Initiatives will be put in place to safeguard Nigeria’s vast cultural heritage, fostering tourism and economic growth while ensuring its continuity for upcoming generations.

Hannatu Musawa also teased various upcoming projects, such as creative hubs, a Nigeria cultural expo, a national entertainment center, and much more.

She expressed her dedication to repatriating significant national heritage artifacts, including the renowned Benin bronzes.

“For a brighter, creative, and innovative Nigeria, we move forward with an unwavering spirit of collaboration and determination. Our rich and unique identity deserves to shine on the global stage,” she added.


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