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“My Journey As A Lawmaker Has Been Challenging And Exciting : Anambra Lawmaker ‘Muobike

The member representing Aguata two constituency in the Anambra State House of Assembly, Hon. Tony Muobike says he has sponsored five motions in the past one year.

Hon. Mobuike who is the House Committee Chairman on Health, while speaking on his one year anniversary as a lawmaker said the journey has been an exciting and challenging one.

The lawmaker who equally functions as the Deputy Chairman House of Assembly Committee on Information, thank Governor Chukwuma Soludo for his support, stating that the executive and the legislature has a cordial relationship.

“The synergy existing between the lawmakers and executive is an obvious one. We have maintained synergy which is why we have been able to pass eleven bills into law which has been signed by the Governor.

“This has bever happened before in Anambra State and with this, the 8th assembly has surpassed the record of others in just one year in office”.

” I want to thank Governor Chukwuma Soludo for making the first year of the 8th assembly, a solid one.

“Representation entails going back to your people and asking them what they want and passing their request to the executive aim of government who are the once that execute policies.

” Solude have implemented all the things the 8th assembly asked (projects and constructions). He has been being tackle the issue on roads throughout the 21 local government and every lawmaker in the 8th assembly touch.

“Humongous projects are currently going on in Aguata two constituency such as the fly over bridge in Ekwulobia, erosion controls, renovation of Ekwulobia general hospital amongst others. All thanks to Mr. Governor who has listen to our cries on ndi Aguata Constituency Two.

” Am also thanking the Speaker of the Anambra State House of Assembly Rt. Hon. Somtochukwu Udeze who has provided good leadership.

“In the 8th assembly, you hardly know that their is opposition because of the leadership qualities of Mr. Speaker. Once we are in the chambers, we see ourselves as lawmakers. Their is no chaos or friction amongst us. We work together as lawmakers.

Speaking on the challenges encountered in the past one year, Muobike said that as a first timer, learning the rules has not been easy, stating that he has been very committed.

“I come to work Monday to Friday and the reason I do soo is because i want to put in my best for my constituents, the State and i want to learn more from the older and ranking members and i have improved in lawmaking.

” I have sponsored five motions in the past one year including the burial law. The law came into force in 2019, but has not implemented. Soo, i moved a motion for the Governor to direct the relivant ministries in-charge to start enforcing the law.

” It is gradually coming to the conscience of our people who are now beginning to understand that we need to give our loved once ‘befitting living and not befitting burial’. The waste that comes into burial has been reduced. When Governor Soludo buried his father, he led by example.

“I also sponsored a motion for the ministry of education to inculcate basic life support such as face mask CPR into the education curriculum of Anambra State. The First lady of Anambra State Mrs. Nonye Soludo has been doing well with her ‘Healthy Living Initiative’ were she is teaching all manner of healthy living habits and practices.

“Their is an un-going treaning for Aguata youths by the Red Cross on first aid CPR been sponsored by byself.

“In also sponsored a motion encouraging ndi Anambra residing outside the state to partner with government to develop our state. Through that motion, our people were energized and people are coming home to construct projects and the governor has commissioned them.

“Many persons have been partnering with Government to develop their communities.

“The government made us to know that over 99 percent of funds are in private hands while the government is controlling 0.3 percent of Anambra State. The governor has been trying to promote
Private Public Community Partnership (PPCP).

” I sponsored a motion that has to do with save conversion of petrol engines to compress natural gas engine.

“Recently, their have been an increase in the price of petrol products and people are under pressure and are looking for ulternative sources’. Muobike said.


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