HomeOthersClassifiedNigerian Islamic Clerics Arrive Niger Republic for Negotiations

Nigerian Islamic Clerics Arrive Niger Republic for Negotiations

A team of Nigerian clerics has arrived Niger Republic as part of diplomatic efforts to restore peace in the West African country.

ANN reports that the clerics were received by officers of the Nigerien military on Saturday afternoon.

The team’s arrival at the country follows the approval granted to them by President Bola Tinubu to intervene and negotiate with their counterparts in Niger.

President Tinubu had met with leaders of various Islamic sects in the country on Wednesday who sought his approval to intervene and negotiate with their counterparts in Niger.

The clerics are opposed to military intervention in Niger. According to them, apart from the dire consequences of armed conflict, they are enjoined by their religious faith and the Quran to seek mediation first in cases like this before resorting to war.

The team is led by Sheikh Muhammadu Sa’ad Abubakar, the national leader of the Jama’atu Izalatu Bidi’ah wa Ikamatus Sunnah.


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