HomeOthersArtsProf. Soludo receives Chieftaincy title in his home town Isuofia

Prof. Soludo receives Chieftaincy title in his home town Isuofia

It is trite, even in the scriptures, that a Prophet is without honour in his homeland. Today, my people have deconstructed that saying by this singular action with historic consequences.

As I looked at the framed certificate handed over to me by His Royal Highness, Igwe Colonel Christopher A.O. Muoghalu (Rtd.), the Isu II na Isuofia, I asked myself, “Could this be true?” This moment saw torrents of emotions welling up from within me. The symbolism, for me, is one that a million words cannot describe.

I am not new to Chieftaincy titles. But, this one from my own people strikes me differently, and I do not esteem it lightly.

Dike-Udo Isuofia, when translated literally means the “strong man of Peace” in Isuofia. To my brothers and sisters in Isuofia, I am immensely grateful for this. Thank you, thank you and thank you again.

CC. Soludo


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