HomeWorldRussia Calls Africa An Invaluable Political Ally in Defending UN Charter Principles

Russia Calls Africa An Invaluable Political Ally in Defending UN Charter Principles

Russia continues to advocate for the partnership of African countries, noting that Africa’s value is immense. A Russian official recently made these sentiments clear, highlighting that Russia has come to look at Africa as an invaluable ally. This is coming off the heels of the second Russia-Africa Summit.

As seen in the Russian news publication, Sputnik, the Foreign Minister of Russia, Sergey Lavrov recently reiterated the importance of African partnership, stating that African countries are Russia’s political ally, including in the protection of UN Charter principles.

“In political terms, African countries are our allies on many items of the international agenda, including the defense of the principles of the UN Charter,” the foreign minister disclosed during a plenary session of Russia’s Federation Council.

He made this known as he responded to a question about how the agreements of the second Russia-Africa Summit are being implemented. The Russian Foreign Minister said that there is a functioning pattern of development in ties with the African nations.

He pointed out that the summit led to the creation of five reports focused on practical engagement in the domains of investment, commerce, the establishment of new logistical chains, and the transition to national currency trading.

The Minister had in February noted that Russia is looking to broaden its political footprint in Africa, in addition to trying to strengthen economic and humanitarian connections with the motherland, which is poised to play an important role in the evolving multipolar world.

As seen in a Sputnik report, during the same period, he had also urged the UN Security Council to expand its African representatives, as well as its Asian and Latin American representatives.

The UN Security Council is made up of 15 nations, with five permanent members (Russia, the United Kingdom, China, the United States, and France) and 10 non-permanent members who are chosen for two years.




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