HomePoliticsSenate President Presides Over Tuesday’s Plenary Under Leaking Roof

Senate President Presides Over Tuesday’s Plenary Under Leaking Roof

The Chambers of the National Assembly began to leak profusely on Tuesday morning following a heavy downpour in Abuja.

Cleaners in the National Assembly were immediately deployed to place containers at the leaking spots to collect the flowing water into buckets.

The cleaners were equally seen mopping and drying up the arena which was becoming flooded. Some Senators already in Chambers came out to have a view of the development.

Most of them were seen discussing the incident.

The National Assembly had earlier earmarked N37billion in the 2021 budget for the repair of the complex.
It was gathered that the controversy that trailed the budget which was considered too humongous led to its reduction but it wasn’t approved by the Federal Executive Council.

Meanwhile, amid the leaking roof of the lobby, Senate President, Dr. Ibrahim Ahmad Lawan entered the chambers at exactly 11.00 am to preside over the plenary.


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