HomeTechnologyUnexpected Social Media Trends in Africa for 2023

Unexpected Social Media Trends in Africa for 2023

  • Facebook reigns in Africa with 170 million users, doubling as a news source for 68%.
  • TikTok is soaring with a 60% active user rate, offering diverse content.
  • Twitter is a news hub, while Reddit quietly influences niche communities.

While the findings revealed some expected patterns in social media usage, there were also several surprising trends that shed light on Africa’s dynamic digital landscape.

GeoPoll survey data showing the most active social media platforms in Africa

Here are five of the most eye-opening discoveries, according to GeoPoll’s 2023 Survey.

1. Facebook’s Unwavering Dominance

Facebook remains Africa’s undisputed king of social media, boasting a staggering 170 million users across the continent.

A Facebook logo is displayed on a smartphone in this illustration taken January 6, 2020. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration

What’s surprising, though, is the platform’s ability to bridge cultural and linguistic divides, connecting people from diverse backgrounds. Even more astonishing is the fact that a whopping 82% of the survey participants actively engage with Facebook.

68% of users turn to Facebook to discover news and current events, while 49% use it to make new friends.

2. TikTok’s Meteoric Rise

While TikTok’s popularity has risen globally, its rapid ascent in Africa is surprising. With a significant 60% active user rate, TikTok has firmly secured the second spot among social media platforms in the region.

A TikTok logo is displayed on a smartphone in this illustration taken January 6, 2020. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration

The platform’s versatility is what sets it apart. An impressive 73% of respondents primarily use TikTok for short-form video consumption and sharing. Moreover, 72% see it as an endless source of entertainment and humour.

But here’s the kicker: 61% of users rely on TikTok to acquire new skills and discover life hacks, highlighting its educational potential.

3. Instagram’s Creative Hub

Instagram, known for its visual appeal, captured the attention of 54% of survey participants, reinforcing its reputation as the go-to platform for visual content sharing.

Instagram Reels.

However, the surprising twist is that 62% of users utilise Instagram to explore creative content and stay up-to-date with emerging trends.

An additional 61% predominantly follow influencers and celebrities, while 59% actively engage by sharing their own photos and preserving visual memories. It’s not just a photo-sharing platform; it’s a creative hub.

4. X’s (Twitter) News Powerhouse

X (formerly Twitter) secured the fourth position in our survey, with 49% of respondents actively using the platform. The surprise here is the platform’s role as a news source.

Elon Musk rebranded Twitter to “X” over the weekend.Emin Sansar/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

78% of users primarily use X to follow news sources and journalists, turning it into a real-time news powerhouse. Furthermore, 59% use the platform to connect with like-minded individuals and engage in thought-provoking discussions and debates.

Twitter in Africa isn’t just about 280-character musings; it’s about staying informed and participating in meaningful conversations.

5. Reddit’s Quiet Influence

Reddit may have a modest 6% of active users in Africa, but its impact is surprisingly substantial. Among these users, 75% actively discuss specific interests or hobbies. An impressive 73% participate in niche communities (subreddits).

A Reddit logo is seen displayed on a smartphone.

Moreover, 68% of Reddit’s active users are dedicated to sharing and consuming in-depth, informative content.

While it might have a smaller user base, Reddit proves that quality often outweighs quantity, making it a platform to watch in Africa’s social media landscape.



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