HomeWorldUS, Saudi Arabia, Israel Talks Gain Momentum for Landmark Deal

US, Saudi Arabia, Israel Talks Gain Momentum for Landmark Deal

The proposed deal would see Saudi Arabia normalize relations with Israel in exchange for a U.S. defense pact and help developing its own civilian nuclear program, sources told NBC News

The United States is making progress toward a landmark agreement that would seeĀ Saudi Arabia normalize relations with IsraelĀ in exchange for a U.S. defense pact and help developing its own civilian nuclear program, two diplomatic sources told NBC News.

The complex talks are picking up steam and officials on all sides have voiced growing optimism in recent days that they could soon come together in a deal that would transform theĀ political landscape of the Middle EastĀ and deliver a major foreign policy victory to President Joe Biden.

Formal recognition of the Jewish state by the Arab worldā€™s most influential power would represent a tectonic shift in the region after more than half a century of conflict and animosity. It couldĀ also represent a diplomatic coup for the Biden administration, which has reversed its hard-line stance on Saudi Arabia in a bid to bring together two close U.S. allies as it seeks to ward off Chinaā€™s growing ambitions.

But significant hurdles remain, including Israel’s ongoing conflict with the Palestinians. The deal would see the Palestinians granted as-yet undefined land in the West Bank, the two sources said, but huge questions persist over what it would mean for their future.

Offering Riyadh a formal pact of mutual defense, an arrangement on par with U.S. guarantees to key allies such as Japan and South Korea, could also complicate the domestic politics of any deal.

If the deal were to come together, U.S. officials believe it would be early next year, before the presidential election campaign makes it difficult to get 67 votes in the Senate, which has to ratify the defense treaty and would need to approve helping the Gulf kingdomā€™s de facto ruler, the powerful Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, in his civilian nuclear ambitions.

Discussions about the Saudi defense pact were first reported byĀ The New York Times.

‘Still a challenge’

According to a senior U.S. official, Israel also wants a defense treaty with the U.S. to match any new Saudi treaty but the U.S. has not agreed to that. Israel already gets almost $4 billion a year in U.S. military assistance and administration officials believe that may make it harder to get an already complicated agreement through the Senate.

A recent poll from the Quincy Institute showed that just more than half of Americans would oppose an agreement between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia that would see Washington committing U.S. soldiers to defend the Saudis in the event of a war. The exact terms of any defense pact are unclear.

But a deal of this scale would be ā€œtransformative,ā€ Secretary of State Antony Blinken told MSNBC on Thursday. He cautioned that there were still ā€œa lot of moving pieces,ā€ and that landing all of them would take ā€œa tremendous amount of work.ā€

ā€œWeā€™re in the middle of it; itā€™s still a challenge,ā€ he added.

National security adviser Jake Sullivan has made two trips to Saudi Arabia in recent weeks and sources familiar with his travel said he was actively engaged in the talks.

For Biden, the deal could offer a boost ahead of the 2024 presidential election, rivaling then-PresidentĀ Donald Trumpā€™sĀ Abraham AccordsĀ ā€” a series of historic agreements signed in 2020 normalizing ties between Israel and Gulf states the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

Relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia haveĀ warmed up in recent yearsĀ but this has remained informal.

Recognizing Israel would likely be seen as a betrayal by the Palestinians and those who support Palestinian statehood, and who have relied on Riyadh as a bedrock of the Arab worldā€™s support.

In his address to the U.N. General Assembly on Thursday, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas dismissed as ā€œdelusionalā€ the idea of peace in the Middle East without full rights for the Palestinian people. An agreement that doesnā€™t include real concessions to their cause could feed anger in the region.

In a separate statement to Palestinian news agency WAFA on Friday, Nabil Abu Rudeina, a spokesperson for Abbas said, ā€œPeace begins with Palestine, and stability begins with the Palestinian people obtaining their legitimate national rights and establishing their independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. Without that, there is no peace, no security and no stability in the region.ā€

The growing Israel-Saudi ties have been driven in large part by mutual acrimony toward Iran.

Even though RiyadhĀ agreed to a Beijing-brokered dealĀ to restore diplomatic relations with Tehran earlier this year, Washington may see forging formal Saudi ties with Israel as a way to both combat Iranian aggression and counter Chinaā€™s efforts to expand its influence in the region.

Meeting with Biden in New York on Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin NetanyahuĀ saidĀ a deal to ā€œachieve reconciliation between the Islamic world and the Jewish stateā€ was within reach.

Officials in both countries said they discussed the deal during their meeting, among other issues. Netanyahu addressed the General Assembly on Friday morning and touted the potential deal as a historic breakthrough that would help bring ā€œpeace and prosperityā€ to the region.

But a sticking point could be the Israeli leaderā€™s own government, the most religious and right-wing in his countryā€™s history. His coalition partners may put up strong resistance to any significant concessions for the Palestinians, which could in turn be a deal breaker for Saudi Arabia.

Opposition leader Yair Lapid has also raised concerns about Saudi Arabia ā€œbecoming a nuclear threshold stateā€ in the event of a deal.

Speaking with Fox News on Wednesday, bin Salman vowed to work with ā€œwhoever is thereā€ in the Israeli government as long as the deal ensures the ā€œneedsā€ of the Palestinians. HeĀ sounded optimisticĀ about the potential agreement, saying it would be the biggest diplomatic deal since the end of the Cold War. ā€œEvery day, we get closer,ā€ he told Fox.

Israelā€™s foreign minister also said Thursday that a framework deal could be in place by early next year.

Even if he can get Saudi Arabia and Israel to agree, Biden may still find domestic opponents.

Some senators have already voiced concerns about a deal with Saudi ArabiaĀ considering ongoing angerĀ about theĀ kingdomā€™s alleged role inĀ the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. 2001,Ā and its perceived human rights record, which has come under further scrutiny since the killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi.

Biden vowed to make Saudi Arabia a ā€œpariahā€ during his 2020 presidential campaign but has since eased that stance after a clash over oil production. He visited the country last year, sharing a controversial fist bump with the crown prince.

Senate Foreign Relations Committee member Chris Coons, D-Del.,Ā told NBC NewsĀ on Thursday that a number of committee members have been discussing the possible agreement, which he said is in its early stages of negotiation.

ā€œThere has to be active engagement by Israel in terms of ensuring that whatever nuclear technology is shared with the Saudis, and whatever the arrangements are for security with the Saudis, are also agreeable to the Israelis,” Coons said.

There also has to be a significant provision for the Palestinians, and ā€œthe security of their positionā€ in the West Bank, Coons said.

NBC News


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