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‘We Have A Problem’: New York Muslims Don’t Know Where To Bury Their Loved Ones

When Mohammad Abdullah’s father got sick last year, he expressed only one wish. He did not want his dead body to be flown to Pakistan to be buried. He wanted to lay in New York, where the wife and children he’d leave behind could visit him easily. And so when he died a month later, Abdullah stepped up to fulfill his father’s final wish.

But it wasn’t easy.

New York has over one million Muslims, but no Muslim-only cemetery. There are cemeteries that provide plots for Muslims. But after the Covid-19 pandemic, the costs of cemetery plots skyrocketed and mosques are no longer being offered the opportunity to purchase mass grave plots for cheaper prices.

The Washington Memorial Park Cemetery is one of the biggest graveyards in New York that has plots for Muslims. According to a representative, a grave currently costs $9,500. People have the option to pay a ten, twenty, or thirty percent down payment and pay it back in 84 months. The representative told Middle East Eye the prices will go up soon, and that is what Muslims in New York are worried about.

His mosque is instead encouraging people to bury their loved ones in New Jersey. But that presents a problem for those who already have family members buried in New York, as they would insist on returning to that cemetery. 

So why is this only an issue now? It’s because now, Muslims are deeply rooted in this country and this region.

He explained that when Muslims first came to New York, they didn’t think about building a cemetery because they didn’t expect to stay here and raise their kids. But now, that’s changing with the new generations. 

‘Nobody wants a cemetery’

It’s not easy to open a new cemetery in the state of New York, especially in New York City. There have been several organisations and individuals who have been trying for years. According to Scott Nimmo from the Islamic Burial and Shipping Service in New York, the main problem with opening a cemetery is that nobody wants it. 

“Nobody wants a cemetery in their backyard. No town wants it,” he told MEE. 

He explained that this has caused funeral homes in New York to be impacted greatly. People cannot afford a funeral. Funeral homes charge very little, he said, while the cemetery would charge three to four times as much with a funeral charge. 

“There used to be 50 funeral homes in the city and now there are less than 20,” he said. 

He said the state of New York allowed cemeteries to raise their prices, “where it’s become ridiculous”. And because of that, it’s become harder for people to bury their loved ones. It is also difficult to open a new cemetery because of zoning laws. So what’s the solution? New York Muslims should go to New Jersey, he said. 

“But many people don’t want to do that. So, there is no solution.”

Samuel Kingston, whose family spent about $9,000 to bury his brother in New York City, said: “I think a solution is that the Muslim community needs to get together and do a fundraiser and collect a lot of money so we can open a Muslim cemetery that is affordable,” he said. “It’s not easy. And it’s a lot of money. It also requires getting approval from the state and getting politicians on board. But it will be worth it.” (www.middleeasteye.net)



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