HomeOpinionWe May Not Celebrate Another Democracy Day, Wole Soyinka Warns

We May Not Celebrate Another Democracy Day, Wole Soyinka Warns

Nobel laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka, says Nigeria is on the brink of disintegration and things may get worse if the government fails to listen to agitations of the people.

Soyinka had last week defended the agitators for sovereign states, saying “it is their natural right to secede from Nigeria.”
While speaking in an interview on ARISE Television, Soyinka said the unrest currently being witnessed in some parts of the country might continue if the government fails to decentralise.

When asked if Nigeria can continue as one, Soyinka responded, “Not if it continues this way. Not if it fails to decentralise.

“And that is what’s happening to people on the streets. That’s why they are moving, that’s why they are demonstrating; that’s why they are defying even threats from the police and the government – If you demonstrate, we will do this, if you do this, we will deal with you, we will talk to you in language which you understand – it does not wash with anybody any longer. Because if a nation is on a suicide slide, the people who feel that they do not deserve that kind of suicidal plunge have a right to say they are getting off this plane before it nosedives,” he said.

“Again, it is not Wole Soyinka saying this. Everybody has said it: ex-heads of state have said it; politicians have said it; analysts have said it; economists have said it, and sometimes we get tired.

“I am saying this whole nation is about to self-destruct and I am not the only one saying it, except Buhari and his government listen and take action, we would not celebrate another Democracy Day come next year.

“Take for instance the position of the Southern governors on open grazing, at least 50 per cent of a nation are saying that within this democratic dispensation we are operating, we are saying on behalf of our people, we do not want open grazing anymore and then somebody sits in Aso Rock and says to them, I am instructing my Attorney-General to dig up some kind of colonial law, which arbitrated between farmers and herders.

“This means that he is not listening to what the people are saying, he is not listening to what the government representing them is saying. When I listen to things like that, I really despair. His last interview was instructive, not that there was anything new in it, one was just hoping that this government has transcended that kind of partisan thinking.”


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