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What Pope Francis said during Easter Vigil

Pope Francis celebrated the festive Easter Vigil commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ in St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome.

Around 8,000 spectators attended the celebration on Holy Saturday, according to Italy’s ANSA news agency.

In his homily, the pope condemned the “rampant injustice” and the “icy winds of war” that he said prevailed in the world. However, he said, Easter encourages people and gives them hope.

“It motivates us to move forward, to leave behind the sense of defeat, and to look to the future with confidence because Christ is risen and has changed the course of history,” said Francis.

Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus after his death on the cross on the holy night preceding Easter Sunday.

An Easter candle is carried into St. Peter’s Basilica in complete darkness to represent life without faith.

The candles of the priests and faithful are then lit to the chant “Lumen Christi” (Christ’s Light). The basilica fills with light when the bells sound, signalling that Jesus has risen.

The pontiff, who was hospitalised with bronchitis, approached the altar in a wheelchair and remained seated throughout the Mass.

During the Mass, he baptised eight adults, three Albanians, two Americans, and one each from Nigeria, Venezuela, and Italy.

Pope Francis is expected to hold the Easter Sunday Mass in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday morning.

Tens of thousands are expected to attend.



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