HomeOthersArtsWike Wants Roads To Be Named After Achebe, Clark

Wike Wants Roads To Be Named After Achebe, Clark

The Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Barr Nyesom Wike, has requested President Bola Tinubu to name two roads in the Guzape Dis­tricts after renowned Nigerian literary figures Chinua Achebe and J.P. Clark.

Achebe was a celebrated novelist and poet, and a central figure in modern African liter­ature, while Clark was a distin­guished poet and playwright.

Wike made this appeal in Abuja on Saturday during the inauguration of Guzape Lot II Engineering Infrastructure, a ceremony marking President Tinubu’s first year in office.

“I want to appeal to you, just like what you did last time when you approved the nam­ing of Arterial N-20 Road after Nobel Laureate, Prof. Wole Soy­inka,” Wike stated.

“There are many Nigerians who have made significant con­tributions, particularly in liter­ary works. People like Chinua Achebe and J.P. Clark.

“Your Excellency, I want to appeal to you to name this road after Chinua Achebe and another road within the same district after J.P. Clark.”

Wike described Guzape as one of the largest and fast­est-developing districts in the FCT.

He explained that the con­tract for the district’s infra­structure was initially awarded in 2003 at a cost of N14 billion during President Olusegun Obasanjo’s administration, divided into two lots.

“Lot 1 was awarded to Dan­tata and Sawoe, while Lot 11 went to Gilmor Engineering. The contract was revised to over N18 billion in May 2023.

He noted that Dantata and Sawoe had paused work for an extended period until the Tinu­bu administration mobilised them back to the site, where work is currently ongoing.

For the completed Lot 11, Wike stated that he had person­ally inspected the project over 15 times to ensure its timely delivery.

The project was completed despite litigation from some residents who attempted to halt construction due to blast­ing activities.

Also, Wike said that work at the Guzape Diplomatic Zone is progressing and would be com­pleted soon.

Dr. Mariya Mahmoud, the FCT Minister of State, praised President Tinubu for support­ing the development of infra­structure in Guzape and other FCT districts.

Mahmoud emphasized that such infrastructure enhances the quality of life for Abuja residents and benefits future generations, noting, “The sus­tainable growth and develop­ment of any city relied heavily on the infrastructure.”

Earlier, Egnr. Shehu Ahmad Hadi, Executive Secretary of the Federal Capital Develop­ment Authority (FCDA), ex­plained that the entire Guzape District spans approximately 1,070 hectares.

Lot 1, executed by Dantata and Sawoe, covers 450 hect­ares, while Lot 11, completed by Gilmor Engineering, covers 620 hectares.

Out of the total area, about 129 hectares are occupied by village settlements, with 66 hectares falling within Lot II.

The scope of work for the project includes electrical power supply, featuring a 33/11 mini-injection substation for both Lot 1 and Lot 11, a mini sewage treatment plant, trans­formers, and street lighting poles.

he district is designed to service 1,017 plots of various uses and sizes, including resi­dential, commercial, and recre­ational areas. Lot II specifically covers 561 plots with a 31.3-kilo­meter road network out of the district’s total 73 kilometers of roads.

Hadi highlighted that the remaining areas obstructed by village settlements are being addressed through compensa­tion and resettlement efforts under Wike’s supervision.


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