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Soludo Commissions Anyaoku Foundation Centre In Obosi

Professor Chukwuma Soludo has commissined the Emeka and Bunmi Anyaoku Foundation Centre, comprising of Museum, Library and Philanthropy in Obosi, Idemili North LGA, Anambra State.

Angel Network News reports thats it was a double celebration for the former Secretary-General of the Commonwealth of Nations, Chief Emeka Anyaoku, who also clocked 91 years.

In his remarks, Soludo emphasized the importance of celebrating heroes while they are still alive, highlighting his commitment to recognizing “Anambra champions” and providing them with well-deserved appreciation.

The Governor expressed his profound admiration for Chief Anyaoku’s impactful life which he said is dedicated to public service and humanity. He emphasized the lack of appreciation for intellect in the region and applauded the creation of the center as a place for learning and cultural preservation..

He pledged to keep supporting the sustainability of the Anyaoku Foundation Center through an endowment fund

“This event marks a significant step in preserving Chief Anyaoku’s legacy and contributing to the educational and cultural advancement of Anambra State. The Anyaoku Foundation Center promises to be a valuable resource for future generations, inspiring intellectual curiosity and community engagement,” Governor Soludo said.

In his vote of thanks, Chief Anyaoku expressed gratitude to God for reaching 91 years on earth and escaping absent mindedness syndrome associated with old age.

Anyaoku acknowledged the center’s role in fulfilling a shared dream with his wife to nurture a love of reading and learning within the community.

Anyaoku said: “At 80 years, you are considered to have entered the departure lounge. your relatives can only pray that your flight be delayed well enough, but I’m fortunate to have made 90 and today 91 years.

“At 91, I have been able to retain all my faculties. They say it is as sharp as sword, but I’m not so sure.

“The commissioning of this centre is the fulfillment of a dream which I and my wife have had for a long time. We have always wanted to support education, and by opening this library and museum, we hope that it will help both the old and young to acquire reading culture. The attributes of Nigerians that worry me is the absence of reading culture.

“My wife and I have also wished to have a museum, a place where visitors can come and learn about the memorabilia that we have collect from across the Commonwealth of nations of 54 countries located in the major continents of the world.

“Also to parade artefacts from our country, Nigeria; a pluralistic country that only became one as recently as 1914. Before then, the place called Nigeria existed in different tribal groups that lived their own lives in different parts of the country.

“I believe that one of the major issues that this centre will be promoting the study of, is the management of diversity in a pluralistic country.

“Some countries have succeeded in managing their pluralistic nature. Switzerland for example is a country of four major ethnic groups, Canada with two major ethnic groups, India, with seven ethnic groups. These countries have succeeded because they have deliberately addressed the challenges of how to manage diversity in their country.

“But some pluralistic countries that were not able to manage their diversity have failed. Like Yugoslavia, which ended up breaking into eight states. Take Chekoslovakia, a country of two major ethnic groups, the Slovaks and the Cheks, but they could not manage their diversity, so they peacefully decided to part.

“I hope that this centre will be a hub of collaboration with universities, schools, institutes to promote studies in various areas, and it has enough materials to help leaders address the challenges posed by our diversity,” Anyaoku said.

Speaking about the reason for siting the centre in Obosi, and how it was funded, Anyaoku said:

“If you say why Obosi? My answer is that it is my attachment to my birth place. I have seen Obosi in the last 90 years develop from a place of mainly farmers to a place that produced successful civil servants, executives and many others.

“All my savings and gratuity of 34 years at the Commonwealth were ploughed into this foundation. We are hoping that in future, the foundation will have funds to sustain this foundation and also the activities of the foundation.”

Earlier, the Director of the Center, Miss Oluchi Nguzoro, explained the  comprehensive offerings of the Foundation, which include a museum, library, archives, cultural displays, and exhibitions. She emphasized that these offerings will promote literacy and environmental awareness.


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